Mining the Future
Our Mission:
To become the first publicly traded mining company in Canada and the US to commercialize high-purity EV-compliant manganese.
Manganese dioxide is a key element in the manufacture of the most promising types of Lithium Ion batteries and these are the type of batteries that in the future will power the world. They are the most promising because of their superior storage capacity, safety and cost.
Taiyou Research has predicted manganese will become a more than US$32B market in rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries by 2022.
Manganese demand will rise as it is increasingly picked for use in the rechargeable batteries used to power consumer electronics, electric and hybrid electric vehicles and the battery systems that store electricity harvested from clean energy produced by solar, wind and tidal systems.

Manganese X Energy Corp. intends to provide a secure ethically sourced manganese supply by exploring and developing its manganese rich deposit near Woodstock New Brunswick, the Battery Hill Project. The Fraser Institute has recently called New Brunswick one of the best mining jurisdiction in Canada, a country known to be mining friendly.
Bryan Way, in his Master’s Thesis on the Woodstock area manganese occurrences, reports that the area “hosts a series of banded iron formations that collectively constitute one of the largest manganese resources in North America, approximately 194,000,000 tonnes”.
The Battery Hill property consists of 55 claims totaling 1,228 hectares located in Carlton County, New Brunswick. It encompasses all or part of five manganese zones, Iron Ore Hill, Moody Hill, Sharpe Farm, Wakeield and Maple Hill.
We have received additional favourable metallurgical results from Kemetco Research Inc. (Kemetco) in the development process that has now demonstrated greater efficiency and improved economics leading to commercialization.
The Peter Lake Property (the “Property”) consists of 44 mining titles (map staked claims) totalling approximately 2568 hectares located in the Mont-Laurier Terrane, in the Central Grenville Province, Quebec. The Property lies within a sequence of metasedimentary rocks (Rabot Suite) intruded by gabbroic and felsic to mafic intrusions (Serpent and Lacoste Suites).
Battery Technology/Disruptive Battery Corp.

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